
Presidents Message
Meeting Information
Officers & Directors
Club Members
Becoming a Member
Contact Us

Rotary International
District 7930


Budget Ken Krall
Reflection Rev. Julie Flowers
Welcoming/DEI Dave Olson
Heritage Sue Goganian/Lex Ushakoff
Homecoming/Ice Cream Social Rick Mooney
House Jackie Rapisard/iMaureen Trefry
Communication Brian Murphy
Sprocket/web Brian Murphy, Nick Pirotta
Investment Brad Hunt
Membership Connor Mooney
New member mentorship Walter Hartford
Social Events Jackie Rapisardi
Public Image Brian Murphy
Speakers Jo Broderick
Sergeants Jamie Engel
Fundraising Mike Harrington, Jackie Rapisardi, Sue Gabriel, Mike Jones, Dave Olson
Scholarships Lori Cianciulli
Educator of The Year Jackie Rapisardi
Rotary of Beverly Foundation Brad Hunt
Youth Exchange John Kenney
Saving Mother & Children Lorinda Visnic/Andrew DeFranza
Service Projects Nathan Seavey

Here are some of the committees that make up the club and the chair people in charge of them. If you have a specific request for one of these people please let us know and we will get them your question.